Choose a right-handed knife if you are right-handed and carve with the blade towards yourself. If you carve away from yourself choose a left-handed knife. Left-handers should choose the inverse.
Complete Package: This folding wood carving knife includes a leather belt-mounted sheath and custom strop, ensuring your whittling knife stays sharp.
Versatile Blades: Equipped with six essential carving tools, this wood carving knife includes a Detail Knife, Straight Gouge, Pelican Knife, V-Scorp, Gouge Scorp, and Hook Knife.
Ergonomic & Durable: With a cross-etched, aerospace aluminum handle and a 1095 High Carbon Steel Blade, this multitool ensures durability and precision. A perfect addition to any wood whittling kit.
Compact Design: The Flexcut Carvin Jack 2.0 is a versatile carving knife that also functions as a compact pocket knife. This makes it the perfect carving instrument for woodworkers who are always on the move.